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Wednesday, 5 August 2015


What are adverbs?

An adverb is a word that acts as a modifier to limit, qualify, or make more exact other words or word groups. That is, an adverb is a word that adds more meaning to another word or word groups.

Adverbs modify:
1. verbs
2. adjectives
3. other adverbs
4. whole sentences

They answer questions like:
    "How?" (manner)
    "When?" (time)
    "Where?" (place)
    "Why?" (Reason or purpose)
    "in what order?" (degree)
    "how often?"

Identification of Adverbs
Many adverbs end in -ly.
For example: 
      awkwardly,     happily,    sharply,     tightly,     cheerfully,    loudly,     swiftly,     viciously.

However, this is not an exact method of identifying adverbs. Some common adverbs do not end in -ly.
For example: 
      everywhere,    here,       never,       so, fast,         much,     rather,      well.

And some words that end in -ly are not necessarily adverbs.
These include: friendly,  lively, rally, folly, lonely, sickly.

The only way to be sure a word is an adverb is by looking at its function within the sentence. 

Functions of Adverbs
(1) modifying verbs -
* She sighed loudly.
How did she sigh?
"Loudly" is an adverb, modifying the verb, "sighed"  and answering the question "how?".

* He went to Ghana yesterday.
    When did he go to Ghana?
"Yesterday" is an adverb answering the question "when?" and modifying the verb "went."

(2) modifying adjectives -
* The sky was very blue.
"Very" answers the question, "How blue?"  It is an adverb, modifying the adjective "blue."

* The day was completely enjoyable.
"Completely" describes how enjoyable the day was and is an adverb which modifies an adjective.

(3) modifying other adverbs -
* He hit the ball excessively hard.
"Excessively" modifies the adverb "hard" and is also an adverb answering the question, “how hard did he hit the ball?”

* The attic smelled, somewhat suspiciously, of marijuana.
The adverb "suspiciously" is modified by  the adverb "somewhat.” It (somewhat) also answers the question “how suspiciously” the attic smelled.

(4) modifying a whole sentence -
* Probably she will leave me alone now.
Here, "probably" is an adverb which is modifying the entire following sentence.

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